AIB Bank
The National Millennium Committee
Forest Service
Woodlands of Ireland
Woodlands of Ireland is sponsored by
The Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Food
The Heritage Council
The National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
These organisations are permenant members of the Steering Committee along with up to seven other elected representatives from ENGOs, woodland practitioners and native woodland stakeholders.
See woodlandsofireland.com
Other relevant Links:
Tree Council of Ireland |
http://www.treecouncil.ie/ |
An Taisce |
http://www.antaisce.org/ |
http://www.crann.ie/ |
Native Woodland Trust |
http://www.nativewoodlandtrust.ie/ |
Groundwork |
http://www.groundwork.ie/ |
ProSylva |
http://www.prosilvaireland.org/ |
Irish Natural Forestry Foundation |
http://www.inff.ie/ |
BirdWatch Ireland |
http://www.heritageireland.ie/en/ |
The Green Sod Trust |
http://www.greensodlandtrust.com/ |
Irish Seed Savers Association |
http://www.irishseedsavers.ie/ |
Irish Hedgerows |
http://www.thehedge.org/ |
Hedgelaying Association of Ireland |
http://www.hedgelaying.ie/ |
Irish Peatland Conservation Council |
http://www.ipcc.ie/ |
http://www.voiceireland.org/ |
Coillte Outdoors |
http://ww.coillteoutdoors.ie |
Coillte | http://www.coillte.ie |