na Loo, Co. Kerry; Ecological Report
Appendix 1 : Legal protection of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs).
Appendix 2 : Flora and fauna species list
Appendix 3 : Notifiable Actions for woodland, scrub, rivers / streams, lowland wet grassland, and heath.
Rossacroo-na-Loo Wood is situated c. 10 km north-east of Kilgarvan,
Co. Kerry at the foot of the Derrynasaggart Mountains (grid reference
W 05 79). The average annual rainfall for the region is 1600 -
2000 mm. The mean daily air temperature is
c. 10.5 oC. The wind is predominantly south-westerly (Rohan, 1986).
Average annual rainfall records (1989 - '98) at the nearby observatories
of Valentia and Cork Airport are 1520 mm and 1246 mm, with annual
mean hourly winds speeds of 5.6 m/s and 5.5 m/s respectively,
also recorded (Meteorological Service of Ireland data).
The site was surveyed on 14 th and 15 th August, 2000. The site extends from c. 90 m along the Loo River up to c. 250 m to the far south. The woodland types present can be classified according to Lockhart et al (1993) as dry broad-leaved semi-natural woodland, mixed woodland and commercial forest. The dry broad-leaved woodland is sessile oak woodland and conforms to the EU annexed habitat (Romao, 1996) "old oak woods with Ilex and Blechnum in the British Isles" (Natura 2000 code 91AO). This woodland can also be best classified under the National Vegetation Classification (Rodwell, 1991) as an oak-dominated wood, types W11 and W17. The commercial forest is mostly sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), while the mixed woodland is a mixture of native and exotic species (mostly conifers). Also within this site is alluvial woodland in flooded land along the the Loo River, the Loo River itself, some wet heath habitat in open areas at higher altitudes and a small field of wet grassland (refer Lockhart et al, 1993).
The underlying bedrock is Upper Devonian Old Red Sandstone (Wyse-Jackson, 1994). Slate occurs in flushes (Hadden, 1999). The soil is mostly well to moderately drained, Acid Brown Earth in the lower reaches, changing to moderately drained, Peaty Podzols at higher altitude, interspersed with rocky outcrops on steep ground.
2.1 Ownership
The site is owned and managed by Coillte Teoranta. The site manager is Mr. Larry Kelly (Tel. 086 - 2532277). The management headquarters is The Millennium Forests, Dublin Rd., Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow (Tel. 01 - 2011111)
2.2 Designations
site is also part of a very large Natural Heritage Area (NHA)
/ Special Area of Conservation (SAC) called the Killarney National
Park / MacGillycuddy Reeks / Caragh River Catchment complex (code
number 365). This site encompasses the mountains and lakes of
the Iveragh Peninsula, the Paps Mountains which stretch eastward
from Killarney towards Millstreet, and most of the Loo River.
The SAC status of this site gives it legal protection under Irish
and European law (refer appendix 1). An important legal requirement
of EU member states is the preparation of lists of "Notifiable
Actions" for different habitats. Actions in these lists cannot
be carried out without the prior agreement of Dúchas. Notifiable
Actions for the habitats present within this site are given in
appendices 3a - e.
2.3 County Development Plan
Rossacroo-na-Loo is detailed in the Kerry County Development Plan (1996) as a "Secondary Special Amenity Area". In such areas "...development control policy will be concerned with the effect of any proposed development on the visual amenity of the area."
Overall, the site is grazed by cattle, mostly in the lower reaches, and sheep. Sika Deer and occasional Red Deer also graze the site (T. Berkett, pers. comm. - Dúchas Conservation Ranger). Running through the northern end of the woodland there is a large, wide embankment. This was the location of a past railway line. There are some rough tracks within the northern end of the woodland.
Dúchas surveyed and proposed a range of sites in the country as candidate SACs. This SAC (no. 365) is one of these sites and was surveyed in the winter of 1995 / 1996. The reason for the proposal of Rossacroo area for designation as part of the SAC is due to the presence of the woodland habitat, notably "Old oak wood with Ilex and Blechnum in the British Isles" (Natura 2000 code 91AO - Romao, 1996). Dúchas has also prepared a conservation / management plan for the whole SAC site to protect the habitats and species present. The original Dúchas survey and management plan do not make specific reference to Rossacroo Wood (J. Conroy, pers. comm., Dúchas conservation plan facilitator).
In December 1999, a survey of the site was completed by Margie Hadden under the Millennium Forest Project. There is no other past information on this woodland area (pers comm. T. Berkett - Conservation Ranger, Dr. Daniel Kelly - Trinity Botany Dept., Dr. John Cross - Dúchas).
The habitats present within the site are oak woodland, mixed woodland of native and exotic (mostly conifer) tree species, sitka spruce / lodgepole pine froestry, alluvial woodland, heath and wet grassland.
The lower (northern) end of the site (refer maps 1 and 2), beneath the ESB line, is predominantly good quality sessile oak (Quercus petraea) woodland with an understorey of holly (Ilex aquifolium). Above (i.e. south of) the ESB line, apart from the far western arm, the woodland is mostly mixed woodland, with lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), scot's pine (Pinus sylvestris), downy birch (Betula pubescens), hazel (Corylus avellana), holly, rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) and sessile oak. Although the exotics appear dominant from a distance here, in reality native tree species occupy at least 50% of the canopy. The western arm, south of the ESB line, is dominated by sitka spruce and lodgepole pine with few native tree species. Narrow, periodically flooded strips of land along the Loo River can be classified as alluvial woodland. Here oak is still dominant, but alder (Alnus glutinosa) also occurs.
There are habitat types present within the site other than woodland. The Loo River flows through the north of the woodland and has generally quite a narrow channel (c. 2 m wide) with a medium flow. Heath occurs in open areas of woodland at higher altitudes to the south of the site. Here plants such as heathers (Calluna vulgaris, Erica tetralix, E. cinerea) and purple moorgrass (Molinia caerulea) dominate. Finally, there is a small field of wet grassland just below the ESB line (refer map 2), to the north of the site.
The ground flora is generally not very diverse with bryophytes often carpeting the woodland floor. Ferns are not much in evidence, but this may be due to overgrazing. Wood-sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) is very common, with woodrush (Luzula sylvatica), perforate St. John's-wort, grasses (Agrostis tenuis, A. gigantea) and heath plants also in evidence.
A more in-depth description of the site and the variation in species present is detailed under the survey notes outlined in section 7. Map 1 details the location of these survey notes. A full species list of plants described in given is appendix 2.
Appendix 2 details fauna present on site.
6.1 Mammal species
The most common species present is sika deer (Cervus nippon) with occasional red deer (Cervus elaphus - T. Berkett, pers. comm.). Badger (Meles meles) are also present as indicated by badger setts (refer survey note 18). Fox (Vulpes vulpes) would also occur. There is a colony of lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) in a house on the far side of the Kilgarvan road. These would utilise the site as would pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus), leisler's bat (Nyctalus leisleri) and possibly daubenton's bat (Myotis daubentoni - T. Berkett, pers. comm.).
Although there are no specific records for this site, Irish stoat (Mustela erminea hibernica), pine marten (Martes martes), red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus), wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) and pigmy shrew (Sorex minutus) are likely present. Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus) would occur in more open areas in the upper reaches of this site. Otter (Lutra lutra) occur along the Loo River and would also frequent the site.
Otter and lesser horseshoe bat are listed for protection under Annex II of the EU Habitats Directive.
6.2 Bird species (T. Berkett, pers. comm.)
The usual array of woodland bird species occur including jay (Garrulus glandarius hibernicus), treecreeper (Certhia familiaris), long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus), great tit (Parus major), and blue tit (Parus caeruleus). Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) also occur. Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and sparrowhawk (Accipter nisus) also nest, while barn owl (Tyto alba) may be found in nearby old buildings.
6.3 Amphibians
The common frog (Rana temporaria)also occurs. This species is listed for protection under Annex V of the EU Habitats Directive.
7. SURVEY NOTES (refer map 1)
N1 : This area was observed to be a mixture of Picea sitchensis,
Pinus contorta, Alnus glutinosa, Betula pubescens, and Salix sp.
The canopy cover is up to 80+ % and the canopy height is 15+ m.
The ground flora is dominated by Myrica gale and Molinia caerulea.
In more open areas Juncus effusus and J. articulatus / acutiflorus
appear, while rock ledges support Calluna vulgaris, Erica cinerea
and Ulex europaeus.
N2 : This is a strip of mostly Quercus petraea woodland between the old railway line and the stream. The canopy cover is c. 80% and canopy height over 15+ m. Beneath the oak, Ilex aquifolium dominates, but Corylus avellana and Betula pubescens also occur. The ground flora is quite sparse, mostly dominated by broyphytes. Species recorded in the ground flora here include Oxalis acetosella (very common), Hypericum perforatum, Crepis paludosa, Fragaria vesca, Circaea lutetiana, Ajuga reptans, Euphorbia hyberna, Saxifraga spathularis (crevices and shaded wet rock), Luzula sylvatica, the grasses Dactylis glomerata, Agrostis tenuis and A. gigantea, the ferns Pteridium aquilinum and Blechnum spicant and occasional sedges (Carex sp.). The area detailed "liable to floods" is is wetter with some standing water and is occupied by deciduous, alluvial woodland.
The stream is medium flowing up to 1 m deep and up to 2+ m wide, overhung by trees ( including Alnus glutinosa and Salix sp.). Along by the stream Luzula sylvatica is quite common as well as Primula vulgaris.
N3 : The old railway line is now overgrown, especially in the north-eastern section. It is dominated by Corylus avellana with Betula pubescens, Quercus petraea, Fraxinus excelsior and some Fagus sylvatica.
N4 : This area is similar to N2 with similar species, but as one moves away from the river, the terrain becomes steeper. Sorbus aucuparia becomes evident with Betula pubescens common and occasional Fagus sylvatica (near the river). Grasses and woodrush are more prevalent along with Vaccinium myrtillus. The canopy cover is c. 70% and canopy height is 60+ ft.
N5 : This area is outside the site. It was observed to be an open area of dis-used cutover bog, quite wet and dominated by Molinia caerulea, Spaghnum moss, Erica tetralix and colonising Betula pubescens.
: This is an area of predominantly Pinus contorta and Picea sitchensis
with a canopy cover up to 90% and canopy height of 18+ m. Betula
pubescens occurs occasionally. There is generally little understorey.
However, in more open, wetter areas Molinia caerulea, Calluna
vulgaris, Erica tetralix, E. cinerea, Sphagnum moss, Myrica gale,
Drosera rotundifolia, Ulex europaeus, Narthecium ossifragum, and
Eriophorum vaginutum grow. At the far western end of this arm
of the site around the ESB line there is a small pond with Phragmites
N7 : The area above here, within the site, is a mixed woodland
of Picea sitchensis, Pinus contorta, Pinus sylvestris, Betula
pubescens (common) and Quercus petraea, thinning out towards the
summit. Quercus petraea and Betula pubescens dominate along a
fringe at the northern end of the site here.
N8 : This is an area of trees of small diameter (probably of mostly secondary regeneration), dominated by Corylus avellana and Betula pubescens, with Sorbus aucuparia, Ilex aquifolium and occasionally Quercus petraea. There is little ground flora except mosses, Oxalis acetosella, Luzula sylvatica and Blechnum spicant. Pinus sylvestris and Picea sitchensis occur as one ascends (i.e. south).
N9 : This is a small rocky hillock north of a stream. It is a mixed woodland dominated by Pinus sylvestris and Pinus contorta with Betula pubescens, Sorbus aucuparia, Quercus petraea, Corylus avellana, Fraxinus excelsior, Ilex aquifolium and occasionally Picea sitchensis. The canopy cover is 40 - 70% and the canopy height is c. 15 m. The ground flora contains Pteridium aquilinum, Sphagnum moss, Vaccinium myrtillus, Calluna vulgaris, Oxalis acetosella as well as those species detailed in N2. rhododendron ponticum and Prunus laurocerasus have invaded in places.
N10 : This area is again a mixed woodland at c. 70 : 30 natives : exotics, although the exotics stand out more and are generally taller at 25+ m. The native tree species include Betula pubescens and Sorbus aucuparia with Ilex aquifolium, Corylus avellana and pockets of Quercus petraea. The exotics are mostly Picea sitchensis, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus contorta. The ground flora is similar to N2. In the very eastern tip here there is a stand of Larix kaempferi just north of an Alnus glutinosa / Fraxinus excelsior flush.
N11 : Travelling uphill (> 70 degree slope in places), Picea sitchensis and Pinus sylvestris are more in evidence, but rarely exceed 30% of the tree species. The native trees again include Betula pubescens, Sorbus aucuparia, Quercus petraea and Ilex aquifolium. rhododendron ponticum has invaded in places, especially on open, rocky slopes and ledges. Stands of Pteridium aquilinum occur sometimes with Luzula sylvatica, Vaccinium myrtillus, Calluna vulgaris, Erica cinerea and mosses (incl. Sphagnum) common in the ground flora. The canopy height is only up to 12 m and canopy cover c. 40%, especially on the steeper, rockier ground. Towards the top of the site, Pinus contorta is noticeably present. There are some small areas of Alnus glutinosa / Fraxinus excelsior flushes along streams running north - riparian zones.
: Picea sitchensis and Pinus contorta predominate, with the latter
common at the top (south) of this site. Scattered within this
area are occasional
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. However, native species still cover
up to 50+ %, mostly Betula pubescens, Sorbus aucuparia, Corylus
avellana, Fraxinus excelsior and Ilex aquifolium, but the tree
diameter is generally under 30 cm. Pinus sylvestris is also present,
more noticeably lower down (north), where they become dominant
east of N13. The ground flora includes heathers, Vaccinium myrtillus,
Pteridium aquilinum, Ulex europaeus and most of the species outlined
in N2.
N13 : This area is a green field dominated by grasses (e.g. Lolium
perenne, Dactylis glomerata, Agrostis spp.), Pteridium aquilinum,
Juncus effusus, Lotus corniculatus, Taraxacum sp., Trifolium spp.
and Ranunculus spp.
N14 : As in N4 this is Quercus petraea woodland up to 20+ m high and a canopy cover of c. 70%. Corylus avellana, Ilex aquifolium and Betula pubescens occur. Ground flora as in N2. At the woodland edging here by the ESB line, Crataegus monogyna is present.
: Quercus petraea dominated woodland with Ilex aquifolium and
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. The ground flora is similar to N2.
N16 : Quercus petraea and Betula pubescens dominate along the outer (northern) strip of woodland. The ground flora is similar to N2.
N17 : Concentration of Betula pubescens and Corylus avellana. The ground flora is similar to N2.
N18 : A collection of Meles meles setts.
Maps 1 and 2 detail the position of the notes taken, access points,
the position of the ESB line and proposed management areas. These
management areas approximately correlate to variations in habitat
within the site.
8.1 General to all management areas
8.1.1 Consultation
The site manager is required to contact local, and if necessary, head office Dúchas staff regarding management of the site.
· Local Conservation Ranger : Tim Berkett, Coolies Muckross, Killarney, Co. Kerry (Tel. 064 - 32576)
· Deputy Regional Manager : Paddy O' Sullivan, Muckross House, Killarney, Co. Kerry. (Tel. 064 - 3144)
· Woodland research staff, H.Q. : John Cross, Dúchas, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2. (Tel. 1890 - 321 - 421)
8.1.2 Notifiable Actions
"Notifiable Actions" for woodland, scrub, river/streams, wet lowland grassland and heath as detailed in appendix 3 should be adhered to. These indicate activities which should not be undertaken without consent of Dúchas, notably :
- grazing / reclamation / felling of trees / removal of timber / removal of foliage, moss or other material / use of pesticide or herbicide / alteration of banks, bed or flow of watercourses / causing siltation of watercourses.
8.1.3 Grazing
The site is extensively grazed by sika deer (T. Berkett, pers. comm.). Re-planting or natural regeneration of native tree species within Rossacroo-na-Loo will not succeed without the control of deer. A deer fence is required around the whole site (T. Berkett, pers. comm.). If maintained, this will succeed in keeping out deer. However, deer present within the site must be driven out for any re-planting strategy to succeed. This requires expert advice and assistance from Dúchas staff (T. Berkett, pers. comm.). For re-planting and natural regeneration to be successful, deer numbers within this, and any site, should only be in the region of 2 - 3 deer per 100 ha. (T. Berkett, pers. comm.).
The level of grazing livestock (cattle and sheep) should also be assessed. In the short term, grazing livestock should be excluded from the site. On a longer term, a low grazing level can be allowed and is possibly desirable (refer Nature on the Farm and John Cross, Dúchas). However, stock should be always be kept out of regeneration areas (Nature on the Farm). Therefore, it may be necessary to remove livestock completely from the site when re-planting and / or areas are felled and allowed to naturally regenerate.
is important to note that continued complete exclusion of animals
is unlikely to be satisfactory, because this may damage the existing
conservation interest. A better approach would be to manipulate
grazing is such a way that heavily grazed patches remain within
a mosaic of grazed and ungrazed woodland. It may be possible to
achieve this through low, intermittent stocking. Rotational fencing
of patches within the wood is another possibility, but this would
be costly and labour demanding.
It is not possible to give exact advice in this area, as the effects
of stocking rates on the ecology of woodland are poorly understood.
Therefore, expert advice should be sought in any grazing management.
8.1.4 Deadwood
Leave deadwood lying. This is important for saproxylic invertebrates which depend on dead, dying or living wood, or associated fungi, at some stage in their life cycle. Perhaps more that a fifth of the fauna of woodland depends on dead and decaying trees, the main groups being beetles and flies (refer Harding and Rose; 1986, Warren and Key, 1991; Kirby, 1992). This does not apply to the felling of coniferous trees, which should generally be removed. Isolated individual coniferous trees can be ring-barked or felled and left in situ.
8.1.5 Open areas
Some open areas are useful within woodlands to increase habitat diversity. Most species of woodland butterflies live in open areas such as ridges, glades and young growth (refer Thomas, 1991; Fuller and Warren, 1991; Warren and Key, 1991; Kirby, 1992; Greatorex-Davies et al., 1993).
8.2 Management area 1
This area covers an old field, just west of the old railway line. It is a mixed woodland as described in N1.
Recommendation : The exotic species of lodgepole pine and sitka spruce should be removed here to allow the natural regeneration of native species.
8.3 Management area 2
This area covers both sides of the old railway line and extends to the current ESB line. It is probably the best quality habitat within the site. It consists of mostly (c. 80%) sessile oak with downy birch, holly and hazel common. Most tree species present here are native with willow (Salix sp.), alder (Alnus glutinosa) and hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) also present, along with occasional beech (Fagus sylvatica). Refer notes N2, 4 & 14. The lower (northern) end of this compartment borders the Loo River and includes some wetter areas and alluvial woodland. There are also a number of badger setts within this compartment (N18).
Recommendation : This area should remain untouched, but it should be assessed as to the level of grazing livestock (mostly cattle). In the short term, the livestock grazing pressure should be reduced and deer numbers need to be controlled (refer 8.1.3 above). The badger setts should be left undisturbed. Non-native species present, notably beech are not much in evidence. However, their presence should be monitored. If beech seedlings are becoming prevalent at the expense of native species, then their control or removal should be considered. However, some non-native, deciduous tree species such as sycamore and beech, hold good invertebrate fauna (M. Speight, Dúchas, pers. comm.). Therefore, the presence beech within the woodland can serve to add diversity to the habitat.
8.4 Management area 3
This is an area of mixed woodland above (south of) the current ESB line and indicated as coniferous forestry plantation on the Inventory Listing Map. It contains sitka spruce, lodgepole pine, scot's pine, downy birch, rowan, oak, hazel and holly and occasional lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) as described in N7 - N12 and N15 - N17. In general, native tree species occupy 50 - 70 % of this compartment, although from a distance the evergreen, and often taller exotics, appear more numerous. There are pockets where some species dominate e.g. lodgepole pine in the upper reaches (south - N12), scot's pine in the lower reaches between the two streams marked on the map (N12), downy birch (N17), sessile oak (N15, N16), alder (within N10) and a stand of Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi - within N10). However, the overall character of this compartment is of a mixed woodland of native (65%) and exotics trees (35%).
Recommendation : The exotic tree species of sitka spruce and lodgepole pine should be removed to allow a more prolific regeneration of native tree species. This area has quite a steep gradient in the upper reaches, so removal will be difficult. Removal should prioritise stands of these exotic trees first. Also, the stand of Japanese larch to the far east should be removed to allow the natural regeneration of alder nearby. Rhododendron (rhododendron ponticum) and cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) should also be removed from this compartment. There is a noticeable infestation on a hillock in the north-eastern corner of this compartment, but rhododendron pockets are also found throughout, especially on more open rocky slopes. The lawson cypress trees growing within this compartment (mostly to the west) should also be removed. Scattered specimens of individual exotic tree species can be ring-barked or felled, and left in situ, without removal.
The level of grazing sika deer needs to be controlled and, in the short term, the level of grazing livestock should be reduced (refer 8.1.3).
8.5 Management area 4
This is area comprises the western arm of the site, above the ESB line. It is dominated by sitka spruce and lodgepole pine (N6) with little ground flora, except in more open areas where heath plants dominate.
Recommendation : With the paucity of native tree species here, there is little point in utilising resources in improving this area in the short to medium term. However, upon maturity and harvesting the tree crop, this area should be re-planted with native tree species e.g. sessile oak, downy birch, rowan and hazel or/and allowed to naturally regenerate.
8.6 Management area 5
This comprises a small field of wet grassland (as defined in Lockhart et al., 1993), grazed by cattle, adjacent and below the woodland boundary (refer N13).
Recommendation : This small area should be planted with sessile oak. The soil and low altitude here is suitable for oak woodland which is an EU annexed habitat (Natura 2000 code 91A0). Other native species should be allowed to regenerate naturally.
8.7 Old railway line
Although this is technically outside the site area, in reality
the woodland encroaches onto the embankment here. This area adds
diversity to the site in supplying a slightly different habitat
on the drier embankment (N3).
: Keep a walking track open on old railway line for access to
woodland and to improve floral diversity. This will require removing
some tree
species, mostly hazel.
· Anon. (undated). Nature on the Farm (advisory booklet
no. 1.) National Parks and Wildlife, Dúchas.
Curtis, T. and McGough, H. (1988). The Irish Red Data Book.
· Forestry Commision (1995). The management of sem-natural
woodlands - wet woodlands. Forestry Practice guide 8. The Forestry
Authority / Forestry Commision, UK.
· Fuller, R.J. and Warren, M.S. (1991). Conservation management
in ancient and modern woodlands : responses of fauna to edges
and rotations. In : The scientific management of temperate communities
for conservation. Ed. : I.F. Spellerberg, F.B. Goldsmith and M.G.
Morris, Oxford Blackwell Scientific Publ.
· Greatorex-Davies, J.N. (1991). Woodland edge management
for invertebrates.
In : Edge management in woodlands. Ed. : R. Ferris-Kaan. Forestry
Commission occasional paper 28, Edinburgh.
· Harding. P. T. and Rose F. (1986). Pasture-Woodlands
in lowland Britain. Huntingdon Institute of Terrestrial Ecology.
· Kerry County Council (1996). Kerry County Development
· Kirby, P. (1992). Habitat management for invertebrates
: a practical handbook. Sandy : Royal Protection for the Protection
of Birds
· Lockhart, N., Madden, B., Wolf-Murphy, S., Wymer, E.
and Wyse-Jackson, M. (1993). National ASI survey guidelines for
ecologists. Dúchas, Dublin.
· National Parks and Wildlife (1994, 1995) : NHA/SAC survey
of site number 365 - Killarney National Park, MacGillycuddy Reeks,
Caragh River Catchment (Duchas, Dublin).
· Natura 2000 form for site number 365 (Duchas, Dublin).
Rodwell, J. S. (1991). British plant communities, vol. 1. Woodlands
and scrub. Cambridge University Press.
· Romao, C. (1996). Interpretation manual of European Union
habitats. European Commission DG XI.
· Rossacroo Millenium Forest Project : Survey by Margie Hadden, December 1999 (Coillte, Wicklow).
· Thomas, J.A. (1991). Rare species conservation : case studies of European butterflies. In : The scientific management of temperate communites for conservation. Ed. I.F. Spellerberg, F.B. Goldsmith and M.G. Morris, Oxford Blackwell Scientific Publ.
· Warren, M.S. and Key, R.S. (1991). Woodlands : past, present and potential for insects. In : The Conservation of insects and their Habitats. Ed. N.M. Collins and J. Thomas. London : Academic Press.
Appendix 1 : Legal protection of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs).
Appendix 2 : Flora and fauna species list
Appendix 3 : Notifiable Actions for woodland, scrub, rivers / streams, lowland wet grassland, and heath.
The SAC status of this site gives it legal protection under Irish
and European law as determined by Article 6.1 of the EU Habitats
Directive :
"Member States shall establish the necessary conservation measures involving, if need be, appropriate management plans specifically designed for the sites or integrated into other development plans, and appropriate statutory, administrative and contractual measures which correspond to the ecological requirements of the natural habitat types in Annex 1 and the species in Annex II present on the sites".
The Habitats Directive, was adopted in 1992 by the Council of the European Communities on the conservation of natural and semi-natural habitats and species of flora and fauna. The Directive seeks to establish "Natura 2000", a network of protected areas throughout the European Community. It is the responsibility of each member state to designate Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) to protect habitats and species, which, together with the Special Protection Areas (SPAs) designated under the 1979 Birds Directive, form Natura 2000.
In the Habitats Directive, there is a list of habitats requiring conservation measures. The list, which is called Annex I, includes priority habitats, which require particular attention. Priority Irish habitats include raised bogs, active blanket bogs, turloughs and machair. Other Annex I habitats include heaths, lakes and woodlands among others.
The Habitats Directive was transposed into national legislation by the European Union (Natural Habitats) Regulations, 1997. Under Irish law :
The Minister must prepare lists of "Notifiable Actions"
for different habitats, which should be sent to known landowners
and users. Any actions in the lists can be carried out only with
prior agreement of the Minister. These "Notifiable Actions"
are detailed in appendix 1.
· A person who illegally damages a site may be prosecuted
or required to repair damage.
otherwise stated, the species below occur in all management areas,
management area 5 which is wet grassland (refer N13). Also, management
area 4 has
little ground flora except heath plants in more open terrain.
Tree and shrub species
Betula pubescens
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Corylus avellana
Fagus sylvatica
Fraxinus excelsior
Ilex aquifolium
Larix kaempferi
Prunus laurocerasus
Picea sitchensis
Pinus contorta
Quercus petraea
rhododendron ponticum
Salix spp. (incl. Salix aurita)
Sorbus aucuparia
Higher plants (ground flora, general)
Circaea lutetiana
Crepis paludosa
Euphorbia hyberna
Fragaria vesca
Hypericum perforatum
Lotus corniculatus (grassy field, N13)
Oxalis acetosella
Primula vulgaris
Ranunculus spp. (grassy field, N13)
Saxifraga spathularis
Taraxacum sp. (grassy field, N13)
Trifolium spp. (grassy field, N13)
Heath plants (most found in ground flora throughout)
Carex echinata
Drosera rotundifolia
Erica cinerea
Erica tetralix
Eriophorum vaginatum
Molinia caerulea
Myrica gale
Narthecium ossifragum
Sphagnum moss
Ulex europaeus
Vaccinium myrtillus
Agrostis tenuis
Dactylis glomerata
Lolium perenne (grassy field, N13)
Rushes and reeds
Phragmites australis (pond area to west of site, N6)
Juncus effusus
Juncus articulatus / acutiflorus
Ferns and mosses
Droypteris austriaca
Eurynchium praelongum
Polypodium vulgare
Polytrichum commune
Polystichum setiferum (cf.)
Pseudoscleropodium purum
Pteridium aquilinum
Thuidium tamariscum (cf)
Cervus elaphus
Cervus nippon
Clethrionomys glareolus
Erinaceus europaeus
Lepus timidus hibernicus
Lutra lutra
Martes martes
Meles meles
Mustela erminea hibernica
Myotis daubentoni
Nyctalus leisleri
Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Rana temporaria
Rhinolophus hipposideros
Sciurus carolinensis
Sciurus vulgaris
Sorex minutus
Vulpes vulpes
Aegithalos caudatus
Certhia familiaris
Cuculus canorus
Falco tinnunculus
Garrulus glandarius hibernicus
Parus caeruleus
Parus major
Tyto alba
Under STATUTORY INSTRUMENT 94 of 1997, made under the EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES ACT 1972 and in accordance with the obligations inherent in the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 (the Habitats Directive) on the conservation of the natural habitats and species of wild fauna and flora, all persons must obtain the written consent of the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht before performing any of the operations listed below on, or affecting, the habitat of woodlands, where it occurs on these lands / water areas
a landowner has a current approved plan under the Rural Environmental
Protection Scheme or any scheme which the Minister considers to
be equivalent s/he need only notify the Minister of activities
not covered in the plan.
The activities which should not be undertaken before consent are;
o grazing by livestock
o adding lime
o adding fertiliser of any sort
o reclamation, infilling, ploughing or land drainage
o reseeding, planting of trees or any other species
o felling of trees, removal of timber
o removal of foliage, moss or other materials
o killing ivy
o use of any pesticide or herbicide
o dumping, burning or storing any materials
o alteration of the banks, bed or flow of watercourses
o operation of commercial recreation facilities (e.g. bird watching
o introduction (or re-introduction) into the wild of plants or
animals of species not currently found in the area
o any other activity of which notice may be given by the Minister
from time to time
Please note that the activities listed below may require a licence
or consent from another statutory authority (e.g. the local planning
authority, the Minister of the Environment, or the Minister for
Agriculture, Food and Forestry). The activities listed below must
be notified to the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht
when they are not regulated by another statutory authority
o developing leisure facilities including golf courses, sports
pitches, caravan or camping facilities.
o any activity which might cause pollution of the woodland
o removal of soil, mud, gravel, sand or minerals
o developing roads or car parks
o construction of fences, buildings or embankments
o felling trees or reafforestation
The Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht has the responsibility
under these Regulations to implement the European Union Directive
on the protection of Habitats. This Directive sets out a procedure
for ensuring that the farming and other management within a designated
site (Special Area of Conservation) is done in a way which will
not damage the environment. The legal mechanism to achieve this
objective is to serve on landowners and occupiers a notice stating
that they must consult with the Minister before doing certain
In most cases the Minister's objective of sustainable farming
will be met by a continuation of the current agricultural practices
and after the consultation period, the farmer will continue to
farm as s/he always has. In some cases an intensification of agriculture
(e.g. an increase in stock numbers) will not be environmentally
sustainable and will not be acceptable to the Minister. In these
cases the activity must be discontinued and a compensation system
will be invoked. There are legal penalties for persons who ignore
this procedure.
The restrictions apply to "habitats" such as "sand
dunes" or "blanket bog" or to certain populations
of species (such as lampreys at spawning beds). The Minister's
staff in the National Parks and Wildlife Service will assist anyone
who is in doubt about where the habitat or species is on their
Under STATUTORY INSTRUMENT 94 of 1997, made under the EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES ACT 1972 and in accordance with the obligations inherent in the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 (the Habitats Directive) on the conservation of the natural habitats and species of wild fauna and flora, all persons must obtain the written consent of the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht before performing any of the operations listed below on, or affecting, the habitat of scrub, where it occurs on these lands / water areas
a landowner has a current approved plan under the Rural Environmental
Protection Scheme or any scheme which the Minister considers to
be equivalent s/he need only notify the Minister of activities
not covered in the plan.
The activities which should not be undertaken before consent are;
o grazing of livestock above a sustainable density (as defined
in approved farm plans)
o grazing by livestock treated within the previous week with a
pesticide which leaves persistent residues in the dung
o supplementary feeding of stock (as defined in approved farm
o adding lime
o adding fertiliser of any sort
o reclaiming land covered by scrub; if scrub is cut it must be
allowed to regrow
o reclamation, infilling, ploughing or land drainage
o reseeding, planting of trees or any other species
o felling of trees, removal of timber
o removal of foliage, moss or other materials
o killing ivy
o use of any pesticide or herbicide
o dumping, burning or storing any materials
o alteration of the banks, bed or flow of watercourses
o operation of commercial recreation facilities (e.g. walking
o introduction (or re-introduction) into the wild of plants or
animals of species not currently found in the area
o any other activity of which notice may be given by the Minister
from time to time
Please note that the activities listed below may require a licence
or consent from another statutory authority (e.g. the local planning
authority, the Minister of the Environment, or the Minister for
Agriculture, Food and Forestry). The activities listed below must
be notified to the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht
when they are not regulated by another statutory authority
o developing leisure facilities including golf courses, sports
pitches, caravan or camping facilities.
o any activity which might cause pollution of the site
o removal of soil, mud, gravel, sand or minerals
o developing roads or car parks
o construction of fences, buildings or embankments
o felling trees or reafforestation
The Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht has the responsibility
under these Regulations to implement the European Union Directive
on the protection of Habitats. This Directive sets out a procedure
for ensuring that the farming and other management within a designated
site (Special Area of Conservation) is done in a way which will
not damage the environment. The legal mechanism to achieve this
objective is to serve on landowners and occupiers a notice stating
that they must consult with the Minister before doing certain
In most cases the Minister's objective of sustainable farming
will be met by a continuation of the current agricultural practices
and after the consultation period, the farmer will continue to
farm as s/he always has. In some cases an intensification of agriculture
(e.g. an increase in stock numbers) will not be environmentally
sustainable and will not be acceptable to the Minister. In these
cases the activity must be discontinued and a compensation system
will be invoked. There are legal penalties for persons who ignore
this procedure.
The restrictions apply to "habitats" such as "sand
dunes" or "blanket bog" or to certain populations
of species (such as lampreys at spawning beds). The Minister's
staff in the National Parks and Wildlife Service will assist anyone
who is in doubt about where the habitat or species is on their
Under STATUTORY INSTRUMENT 94 of 1997, made under the EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES ACT 1972 and in accordance with the obligations inherent in the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 (the Habitats Directive) on the conservation of the natural habitats and species of wild fauna and flora, all persons must obtain the written consent of the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht before performing any of the operations listed below on, or affecting, the habitat of rivers or streams, where it occurs on these lands / water areas
a landowner has a current approved plan under the Rural Environmental
Protection Scheme or any scheme which the Minister considers to
be equivalent s/he need only notify the Minister of activities
not covered in the plan.
The activities which should not be undertaken before consent are;
o grazing of livestock above a sustainable density (as defined
in approved farm plans) within 30m of the river or stream
o grazing by livestock treated within the previous week with a
pesticide which leaves persistent residues in the dung within
30m of the river or stream
o supplementary feeding of stock within 30m of the river or stream
o adding lime within 30m of the river or stream
o adding fertiliser of any sort within 30m of the river or stream
o extracting water for irrigation or other purposes
o operation of boat angling or shore angling business
o restocking with fish
o reclamation, infilling, ploughing or land drainage within 30m
of the river or stream
o reseeding, planting of trees or any other species within 30m
of the river or stream
o removal of trees or any aquatic vegetation within 30m of the
o use of any pesticide or herbicide in the river or stream or
within 30m of the river or stream
o dumping rubbish or other materials or disposing of any chemicals
or wastes in streams/rivers or into water-courses running into
o dumping, burning or storing any materials within 30m of the
river/stream including the land spreading of used pesticides (e.g.
sheep dip).
o alteration of the banks, channel, bed or flow of the river or
o harvesting or burning of reed or willow.
o causing siltation
o operation of commercial recreation facilities (e.g. bird watching
o introduction (or re-introduction) into the wild of plants or
animals of species not currently found in the area
o any other activity of which notice may be given by the Minister
from time to time
Please note that the activities listed below may require a licence
or consent from another statutory authority (e.g. the local planning
authority, the Minister of the Environment, or the Minister for
Agriculture, Food and Forestry). The activities listed below must
be notified to the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht
when they are not regulated by another statutory authority
o developing leisure facilities including golf courses, sports
pitches, caravan or camping facilities.
o any activity which might cause pollution of the river or stream
o removal of soil, mud, gravel, sand or minerals
o developing roads or car parks
o construction of fences, buildings or embankments
o construction or operation of an aquaculture facility.
o fishing for eels or salmon
o bank maintenance and grading
o creation of weirs and dams
The Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht has the responsibility
under these Regulations to implement the European Union Directive
on the protection of Habitats. This Directive sets out a procedure
for ensuring that the farming and other management within a designated
site (Special Area of Conservation) is done in a way which will
not damage the environment. The legal mechanism to achieve this
objective is to serve on landowners and occupiers a notice stating
that they must consult with the Minister before doing certain
In most cases the Minister's objective of sustainable farming
will be met by a continuation of the current agricultural practices
and after the consultation period, the farmer will continue to
farm as s/he always has. In some cases an intensification of agriculture
(e.g. an increase in stock numbers) will not be environmentally
sustainable and will not be acceptable to the Minister. In these
cases the activity must be discontinued and a compensation system
will be invoked. There are legal penalties for persons who ignore
this procedure.
The restrictions apply to "habitats" such as "sand
dunes" or "blanket bog" or to certain populations
of species (such as lampreys at spawning beds). The Minister's
staff in the National Parks and Wildlife Service will assist anyone
who is in doubt about where the habitat or species is on their
Under STATUTORY INSTRUMENT 94 of 1997, made under the EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES ACT 1972 and in accordance with the obligations inherent in the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 (the Habitats Directive) on the conservation of the natural habitats and species of wild fauna and flora, all persons must obtain the written consent of the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht before performing any of the operations listed below on, or affecting, the habitat wet lowland grasslands , where it occurs on these lands / water areas
a landowner has a current approved plan under the Rural Environmental
Protection Scheme or any scheme which the Minister considers to
be equivalent s/he need only notify the Minister of activities
not covered in the plan.
The activities which should not be undertaken before consent are;
grazing of livestock above a sustainable density (as defined in
approved farm plans)
o grazing by livestock treated within the previous week with a
pesticide which leaves persistent residues in the dung
o changing of traditional use from hay meadow (to either grazing
or silage making), or from grazing to silage cutting
o adding lime
o adding fertiliser of any sort
o mowing grass before the 30th June (Note; if you have been notified
that your lands hold breeding corncrakes, or certain rare meadows,
special provisions will apply)
o burning of vegetation
o reclamation, infilling, ploughing or land drainage
o reseeding, planting of trees or any other species
o use of any pesticide or herbicide
o dumping, burning or storing any materials
o alteration of the banks, bed or flow of watercourses
o operation of commercial recreation facilities (e.g. pony trekking)
o introduction (or re-introduction) into the wild of plants or
animals of species not currently found in the area
o any other activity of which notice may be given by the Minister
from time to time
Please note that the activities listed below may require a licence
or consent from another statutory authority (e.g. the local planning
authority, the Minister of the Environment, or the Minister for
Agriculture, Food and Forestry). The activities listed below must
be notified to the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht
when they are not regulated by another statutory authority
o developing leisure facilities including golf courses, sports
pitches, caravan or camping facilities.
o removal of soil, mud, gravel, sand or minerals
o developing roads or car parks
o construction of fences, buildings or embankments
o afforestation
The Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht has the responsibility
under these Regulations to implement the European Union Directive
on the protection of Habitats. This Directive sets out a procedure
for ensuring that the farming and other management within a designated
site (Special Area of Conservation) is done in a way which will
not damage the environment. The legal mechanism to achieve this
objective is to serve on landowners and occupiers a notice stating
that they must consult with the Minister before doing certain
In most cases the Minister's objective of sustainable farming
will be met by a continuation of the current agricultural practices
and after the consultation period, the farmer will continue to
farm as s/he always has. In some cases an intensification of agriculture
(e.g. an increase in stock numbers) will not be environmentally
sustainable and will not be acceptable to the Minister. In these
cases the activity must be discontinued and a compensation system
will be invoked. There are legal penalties for persons who ignore
this procedure.
The restrictions apply to "habitats" such as "sand
dunes" or "blanket bog" or to certain populations
of species (such as lampreys at spawning beds). The Minister's
staff in the National Parks and Wildlife Service will assist anyone
who is in doubt about where the habitat or species is on their
Under STATUTORY INSTRUMENT 94 of 1997, made under the EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES ACT 1972 and in accordance with the obligations inherent in the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 (the Habitats Directive) on the conservation of the natural habitats and species of wild fauna and flora, all persons must obtain the written consent of the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht before performing any of the operations listed below on, or affecting, the habitat of heath, where it occurs on these lands / water areas
a landowner has a current approved plan under the Rural Environmental
Protection Scheme or any scheme which the Minister considers to
be equivalent s/he need only notify the Minister of activities
not covered in the plan.
The activities which should not be undertaken before consent are;
grazing of livestock above a sustainable density or type of stock
(as defined in approved farm plans)
o grazing by livestock treated within the previous week with a
pesticide which leaves persistent residues in the dung
o supplementary feeding of stock, except as defined in REPS guidelines
o introduction of stock to formerly ungrazed areas
o adding lime
o adding fertiliser of any sort
o creation of new tracks or paths
o burning areas of vegetation over 5 ha, or burning any area more
often than once every 15 years
o reclamation, infilling, ploughing or land drainage
o reseeding, planting of trees or any other species
o rock removal
o cutting turf except from existing banks; no cutting from intact
(uncut) areas
o commercial peat moss or turf extraction
o use of any pesticide or herbicide, including sheep dip
o dumping, burning or storing any materials
o alteration of the banks, bed or flow of watercourses
o operation of commercial recreation facilities (e.g. pony trekking)
o introduction (or re-introduction) into the wild of plants or
animals of species not currently found in the area
o any other activity of which notice may be given by the Minister
from time to time
Please note that the activities listed below may require a licence
or consent from another statutory authority (e.g. the local planning
authority, the Minister of the Environment, or the Minister for
Agriculture, Food and Forestry). The activities listed below must
be notified to the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht
when they are not regulated by another statutory authority
o developing leisure facilities including golf courses, sports
pitches, caravan or camping facilities.
o removal of soil, mud, gravel, sand or minerals
o developing roads or car parks
o construction of fences, buildings or embankments
o afforestation
o erecting or operating a windfarm
The Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht has the responsibility
under these Regulations to implement the European Union Directive
on the protection of Habitats. This Directive sets out a procedure
for ensuring that the farming and other management within a designated
site (Special Area of Conservation) is done in a way which will
not damage the environment. The legal mechanism to achieve this
objective is to serve on landowners and occupiers a notice stating
that they must consult with the Minister before doing certain
In most cases the Minister's objective of sustainable farming
will be met by a continuation of the current agricultural practices
and after the consultation period, the farmer will continue to
farm as s/he always has. In some cases an intensification of agriculture
(e.g. an increase in stock numbers) will not be environmentally
sustainable and will not be acceptable to the Minister. In these
cases the activity must be discontinued and a compensation system
will be invoked. There are legal penalties for persons who ignore
this procedure.
The restrictions apply to "habitats" such as "sand
dunes" or "blanket bog" or to certain populations
of species (such as lampreys at spawning beds). The Minister's
staff in the National Parks and Wildlife Service will assist anyone
who is in doubt about where the habitat or species is on their
10 th October, 2000
*Please note that it was not possible to reproduce figures for inclusion on the website version of the reports.