Woodlands, Co. Kilkenny; Ecological Report
This report is written to fulfil the terms of a contract letter (16/6/00) to supply an ecological survey of Woodlands, Kilkenny, including
inventory of flora, fauna and habitats, especially items of special
conservation value covered by National or EU legislation
· management advice to protect key habitats and species
· recommendations to enhance the biodiversity of the whole
The site was visited in July and August 2000 in company with Mr
Kevin Ryan, the Coillte Site Manager.
The site occupies the entire townland of Woodlands, an area of
94ha which lies south-west of Kilkenny about 4km from the outer
suburbs. It is generally flat, rising slightly in the south-western
half to a high point of 83m (the entrance roadway and north-eastern
section is roughly at 78m). The wood is surrounded by a bank and
ditch which contains a stream along the southern edge and on part
of the western side.
The area is based on limestone though this is thickly covered
by glacial till and not exposed. However a sinkhole was mapped
at the time of the first Ordnance Survey in the adjoining townland
to the east, implying a shallower soil here. The till has a significant
proportion of sandstone and shale in it from the Slieve Ardagh
hills and develops a gley soil which makes for water retention
on the surface, particularly after heavy machinery has been working.
The northern half of the area and the south-eastern edge is particularly
wet and a small pond exists in the north-east corner. Here some
of the remaining trees stand amongst shallow pools of water for
much of the year.
A stream crosses the north centre of the wood before turning NE
to follow the entrance road. It has been deepened to 1.5m or so
and takes water south and east to the Breagagh River. The stream
forms a convenient boundary to the two contrasting parts of the
wood, the lower flat section which was open fields in 1839 (Map
1) and the slightly raised southern half, then a broad-leaved
woodland, presumably of oak, elm and ash.
The wood today (Map 2) is mostly felled though it retains a few
stands of spruce near the entrance and scattered bands of Scot's
pine within. Large oaks Quercus robur occur in peripheral areas,
along the south-eastern and north-western sides but there are
only limited areas where the canopies of adjacent trees touch
- one of these is close to the windrows that have been built in
the west centre. Elsewhere there are small, narrow oaks and ash
which have survived the conifer phase and are even now regenerating
on the newly cleared floor.
The northern half of the wood retains the old field pattern under
the trees though the four house sites are no longer apparent.
The ground is generally covered by an early, and still prostrate,
growth of brambles Rubus fruticosus, through which other species
show. There are some seedlings of oak and ash as mentioned and
also of holly Ilex aquifolium, hazel Corylus avellana and willows
Salix cinerea and S.caprea. Of herbaceous species bent grass Agrostis
canina, tufted hairgrass Deschampsia caespitosa, herb robert Geranium
robertianum and shield fern Polystichum setiferum are particularly
frequent and there are small patches of rose-bay Chamaerion angustifolium
and Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus in many places that are likely
to spread. Additional species are
Festuca gigantea giant fescue
Dryopteris dilatata buckler fern
Vicia sepium bush vetch
Potentilla erecta tormentil
Carex flacca glaucous sedge
C.remota distant sedge
Veronica chamaedrys germander speedwell
Luzula multiflora heath woodrush
Veronica officinalis heath speedwell
Prunella vulgaris self-heal Scrophularia nodosa figwwort
Ajuga reptans bugle
Chrysosplenium oppositifolium golden saxifrage
Carex strigosa starved wood sedge
Epipactis helleborine broad-leaved helleborine
These have either survived in situ under the spruce as it opened
out or have colonised subsequently and there is no real pattern
in the vegetation. Species appear thrown
together, there is open ground between adjacent plants and there
is clearly a lot of succession to go through before any form of
stability is reached.
The edges of the road itself and the dry ditch that runs E-W across
it is a particularly rich source of species, adding wood speedwell
Veronica montana, false brome Brachypodium sylvaticum, spindle
Euonymus europaeus, privet Ligustrum vulgare, hartstongue Phyllitis
scolopendrium, field rose Rosa arvensis, great brome Bromopsis
ramosa and elder Sambucus nigra to those listed above.
In damper places such as near the central path soft rush Juncus
effusus, sharp-flowered rush J.acutiflorus, needle rush Isolepis
setacea, bittercress Cardamine flexuosa, sweet grass Glyceria
fluitans and purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria occur with meadowsweet
Filipendula ulmaria, great willowherb Epilobium hirsutum, fleabane
Pulicaria dysenterica, fox sedge Carex otrubae and bindweed Calystegia
sepium. The small pond has a little duckweed Lemna minor on its
surface and is surrounded by distant sedge Carex remota and marsh
bedstraw Galium palustre with creeping bent Agrostis stolonifera
further back. A fallen willow Salix cinerea lies across it and
a well established colony of small bittersweet Solanum dulcamara
is a feature.
A distinct area of young woodland occurs on low-lying ground in
the centre of the northern half. It carries open scrub of gorse
Ulex europaeus, willow Salix cinerea and hairy birch Betula pubescens
with some taller birch and ash further out, leading into Scot's
pine. Soft rush Juncus effusus is common as well as Yorkshire
fog Holcus lanatus, purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria and meadowsweet
Filipendula ulmaria. Also present are
Festuca gigantea giant fescue
Mentha aquatica water mint
Angelica sylvestris wild angelica
Lathyrus pratensis meadow vetchling
Vicia cracca tufted vetch
Potentilla erecta tormentil
Deschampsia caespitosa tufted hairgrass
Chamaerion angustifolium rose-bay
The southern section of the wood is slightly drier though water
again accumulates in places. Leaching is more pronounced and the
soil is therefore more acidic. There are older and larger oaks
standing and different species in the ground layer. Great woodrush
Luzula sylvatica, wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella, honeysuckle Lonicera
periclymenum and foxglove Digitalis purpurea appear and there
is bracken Pteridium aquilinum and young birch Betula pubescens
in places. Many of the same species recur, for example rose-bay
Chamaerion angustifolium, bramble Rubus fruticosus, buckler fern
Dryopteris dilatata and, by the path fox sedge Carex otrubae,
but others are new, e.g.
Dryopteris affinis male fern
Hypericum pulchrum shining St John's wort
Cirsium palustre marsh thistle
Lysimachia nemorum yellow pimpernel
Rubus idaeus wild raspberry
Stellaria holostea greater stitchwort
The fringes of this section add to the flora also with enchanter's
nightshade Circaea lutetiana, wood avens Geum urbanum, violet
Viola riviniana and barren strawberry Potentilla sterilis among
the beech near the southern house and water avens Geum rivale
(and helleborine Epipactis helleborine) close to the path beside
the windrows. To the north-west there is young ash, hazel, hawthorn
Crataegus monogyna, blackthorn Prunus spinosa leading out of the
marginal hedge with a few alder Alnus glutinosa. False brome Brachypodium
sylvaticum, violet Viola riviniana, wood avens Geum urbanum, enchanter's
nightshade Circaea lutetiana, distant sedge Carex remota and meadowsweet
Filipendula ulmaria are common and there is in addition wood sedge
Carex sylvatica, celandine Ranunculus ficaria, wood dock Rumex
sanguineus, wood speedwell Veronica montana, primrose Primula
vulgaris, wild angelica Angelica sylvestris and the mosses Plagiomnium
undulatum, Eurhynchium striatum and E.praelongum. Lords-and-ladies
Arum maculatum, wood anemone Anemone nemorosa and early purple
orchid Orchis mascula grow on the marginal bank with a considerable
amount of holly Ilex aquifolium, hazel Corylus avellana, guelder
rose Viburnum opulus and field rose Rosa arvensis. The stream
channel where it turns south into the wood adds the large liverworts
Plagiochila asplenoides and Conocephalum conica as well as mosses
Atrichum undulatum, Isopterygium elegans and species of Barbula
and Fissidens.
The summit area is flat and again poorly drained. Soft rush Juncus
effusus, jointed rush J.articulatus, bulbous rush J.bulbosus,
devilsbit Succisa pratensis and yellow pimpernel Lysimachia nemorum
occur here with reed grass Phalaris arundinacea, marsh valerian
Valeriana officinalis, bur reed Sparganium erectum, yellow flag
Iris pseudacorus, lesser spearwort Ranunculus flammula and water
starwort Callitriche stagnalis around the marginal drains. A few
plants of smooth-stalked sedge Carex laevigata and oval sedge
C.ovalis also grow here.
The wood is now surrounded by agricultural land so is somewhat
isolated as a habitat. However it is large enough to support a
good selection of mammal species and before the clearfelling,
had about 12 species (P.Comerford, pers.comm.). Badger, fox, stoat,
hare, rabbit, wood mouse, brown rat, red squirrel, grey squirrel,
hedgehog, pygmy shrew and pipistrelle bat have all been seen in
the last 10 years though there is little current evidence of red
squirrel. Hares are a feature of the site as there is boggy ground
adjoining on the south as well as the fields which offer good
grazing. The animals take cover in the woodland and relatively
large groups may occur in spring. The trees in general are too
young to have cavities for roosting bats though some of the beech
are likely to have been used when they were standing.
There is no sign of deer in the area and as yet no pine marten,
though these could invade in the next few years.
The bird life of the wood includes large species such as pheasant,
woodpigeon, woodcock (winter), sparrowhawk, hooded crow and long-eared
owl which has probably bred. Kestrels are in the area and could
nest in the marginal trees. Smaller birds are those typical of
woodlands with some scrub, for example goldcrest, coal tit, treecreeper,
chiffchaff, willow warbler, blackcap, spotted flycatcher, chaffinch,
redpoll, wren, dunnock, blackbird and robin. Siskins may have
occurred in winter depending on the cone crop but do not breed.
A feature in winter used to be the wintering thrushes - redwing
and fieldfare - and sometimes starling which came to roost there
from the surrounding fields. These are likely to concentrate now
in the Castleblunden woods since Woodlands has been felled.
Butterflies seen during the summer visit were speckled wood, meadow
brown, green-veined white, small tortoiseshell, peacock and clouded
yellow and the site is unlikely to be rich in any Lepidoptera
because of the limited diversity of food plants. In this respect
the limestone hill of Ballykeefe Wood is much more important.
The wood has retained a high level of biodiversity from its former
deciduous state and offers excellent potential to develop into
a site of conservation importance. It has a good range of plant
species associated with base-rich through not highly calcareous
soils, including Carex strigosa, C.laevigata, Geum rivale and
Epipactis helleborine - species that are rare in Co. Kilkenny.
It also contains characteristic species of established woodland,
e.g. Festuca gigantea, Veronica montana, Anemone nemorosa, Orchis
mascula as well as the shrubs Viburnum opulus, Euonymus europaeus
and Rosa arvensis. One of the ecological features is the transition
from base-rich to slightly leached conditions on the central rise
allowing Luzula sylvatica, L.multiflora, Hypericum pulchrum and
Pteridium aquilinum to appear.
No nationally rare or protected species grow in the area and there
are no habitats or species of importance in the context of the
EU Habitats or Birds Directives.
The diversity of lower plants appears low and there are few sites
apart from the stream sides and dry ditches that favour these
No introduced species except for sycamore give rise to concern
in this location. The privet along the main access is a former
hedging plant and care should be taken that it does not spread
into the woodland proper (as it has done elsewhere, e.g. Adare).
The wood seems to have been an important one for local fauna and
when new planting is fully established it may be assumed that
it will recover this role. Hare is perhaps the most important
mammal as suitable habitat for this species has been reduced by
agricultural reclamation. Red squirrel also may be able to persist
because of the retention of Scot's pine within the new woodland.
It is considered that a semi-natural woodland on these soils would
include oak, ash, elm, cherry, willows Salix cinerea, S.caprea,
birch Betula pubescens and aspen, with an understorey of hazel,
hawthorn, blackthorn, spindle, guelder rose and elder. On this
basis it is recommended that aspen Populus tremula and cherry
Prunus avium be introduced with the new planting. Both have many
associated invertebrates and would enrich this part of the fauna
which would in turn increase the diversity of their predators.
Hares may be a problem with tree establishment as these species
are especially palatable. However the suckering habit of both
means that even one or two successfully established individuals
will spread to for a group in the future.
The natural regeneration of oak should be favoured where possible
as it is likely that the wood contains significant genetic diversity
in this species as it has persisted from pre-Famine times.
It should be policy to remove any sycamore or any privet that
appears in the woodland proper as soon as it is seen. No non-native
plants should be planted for any reason.
The distribution of the herbaceous flora shows little clear pattern
and even the less common species are found in several, seemingly
distinct areas. In general the richest locations are in and near
the pre-existing ditches and hedges, all of which should be retained
with as little interference as possible. Herbicides used to control
brambles should not be used near such features. The most restricted
species of interest, water avens Geum rivale was only seen on
the margins of the main path though it is likely to occur elsewhere.
There should be no further disturbance on these margins where
indicated on Map 2.
Translocation of species around the woodland is not recommended
and the natural spread of certain members of the flora should
be followed by repeated visits to sample plots.
The introduction of tree boxes for bats and nesting birds would
do much to allow the hole nesting species persist and/or colonise
a site from which pre-existing hollow trees have been removed.
List of plants recorded in summer 2000
Aethusa cynapium
Agrostis canina
Agrostis stolonifera
Ajuga reptans
Alnus glutinosa
Anemone nemorosa
Angelica sylvestris
Arrhenatherum elatius
Arum maculatum
Betula pubescens
Brachypodium sylvaticum
Brassica rapa
Bromopsis ramosa
Callitriche stagnalis
Calystegia sepium
Cardamine flexuosa
Carex flacca
Carex laevigata
Carex otrubae
Carex ovalis
Carex remota
Carex strigosa
Carex sylvatica
Chamaerion angustifolium
Chrysosplenium oppositifolium
Circaea lutetiana
Cirsium arvense
Cirsium palustre
Cirsium vulgare
Corylus avellana
Crataegus monogyna
Dactylis glomerata
Deschampsia caespitosa
Digitalis purpurea
Dryopteris affinis
Dryopteris dilatata
Dryopteris filix-mas
Elymus repens
Epilobium ciliatum
Epilobium hirsutum
Epilobium montanum
Epilobium obscurum
Epipactis helleborine
Equisetum arvense
Euonymus europaeus
Festuca gigantea
Festuca rubra
Filipendula ulmaria
Galium aparine
Galium palustre
Geranium dissectum
Geranium robertianum
Geum rivale
Geum urbanum
Glyceria fluitans
Heracleum sphondylium
Holcus lanatus
Hypericum pulchrum
Hypericum tetrapterum
Ilex aquifolium
Iris pseudacorus
Isolepis setacea
Juncus acutiflorus
Juncus articulatus
Juncus bulbosus
Juncus effusus
Lathyrus pratensis
Lemna minor
Ligustrum vulgare
Lonicera periclymenum
Luzula multiflora
Luzula sylvatica
Lysimachia nemorum
Lythrum salicaria
Matricaria discoidea
Mentha aquatica
Orchis mascula
Oxalis acetosella
Phalaris arundinacea
Phyllitis scolopendrium
Polystichum setiferum
Potentilla erecta
Potentilla reptans
Potentilla sterilis
Primula vulgaris
Prunella vulgaris
Prunus spinosa
Pteridium aquilinum
Pulicaria dysenterica
Quercus robur
Ranunculus acris
Ranunculus ficaria
Ranunculus flammula
Ranunculus repens
Rosa arvensis
Rosa canina
Rubus fruticosus
Rubus idaeus
Rumex crispus
Rumex obtusifolius
Rumex sanguineus
Salix caprea
Salix cinerea
Sambucus nigra
Scrophularia nodosa
Senecio jacobaea
Senecio vulgaris
Sinapis arvensis
Solanum dulcamara
Sparganium erectum
Stellaria graminea
Stellaria holostea
Stellaria media
Succisa pratensis
Ulex europaeus
Valeriana officinalis
Veronica chamaedrys
Veronica montana
Veronica officinalis
Veronica persica
Veronica serpyllifolia
Viburnum opulus
Vicia cracca
Vicia sepium
Viola riviniana
Atrichum undulatum
Barbula sp
Conocephalum conica
Eurynchium praelongum
Eurynchium striatum
Fissidens sp
Plagiochila asplenoides
Plagiomnium undulatum
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus
Thamnobryum alopecuroides
Ecological Survey of
Woodlands, Co. Kilkenny
Site of a Millennium Forest
Report for Coillte Ltd
October 2000
Roger Goodwillie & Associates
Lavistown House
*Please note that it was not possible to reproduce figures for inclusion on the website version of the reports.