The Millennium Forests : School Program (2000-2002)

In support of the project, three Outreach Officers were appointed. The primary role of these Outreach Officers was to visit the schools closest to the planting sites and to involve the local children in seed collecting programs and other woodland activities. Schools were also encouraged to establish small nurseries producing native trees, with back up provided by the outreach officers.
The Outreach Programme started in October 2000 and the Outreach Officers visited primary schools all over the country, talking to school children and taking them for guided walks in the Millennium woodland sites. Where possible the children collected native seed locally, for example hazelnuts and acorns and set up small nurseries on their classroom windowsills. When these seed grew, we planted the new trees into the Millennium woodland sites or some other suitable locations, in this way each school helped to increase the forests of Ireland.

Schools Pack:
The Millennium Forest provided schools pack consisting of a book entitled "Our Trees", which contained detailed information on the identification and propagation of Irish native trees, a video about our native forests, which was produced by Eamon de Buitléar and a poster of Irish native trees. A set of worksheets was also included, which were used to teach the children about various aspects of our native trees. These worksheets included information on Our Native Trees, Collecting Seed and Setting up a School Nursery.

Click here to see what some schools have already done