The Millennium Forests : School Program (2000-2002)
Scoil Bhride, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan:
Gwen visited Scoil Bhride on the 1st of March, 2000. The pupils in this school knew all about nature and the environment and had lots of questions to ask after they had watched the video. They really enjoyed looking at the video and thought the artist, drawing all of the pictures was really good. They have their own arboretum in the school grounds and we planted an oak tree there to finish off the visit.
wrote lots of brilliant poems and drew lots of pictures about our
forests. Below you will find links to some of the great poems they
Animals - Gerard Rooney
Birds and Acorns - Don't know who wrote this!
Coillte - Roisin Kenny
Natures Way - Caroline Olwill
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